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[ABOUT] A conversation late at night with a dear friend. Featuring a female protagonist, and one ending because the fool in the screenshot rambled too much. The story is only a snippet of a larger whole, not a self-contained story on its own.

Made for the O2A2 VN Jam 2024, a micro Visual Novel jam with strict asset limitations and a 1000-word limit.

Special thanks to my friend, Queenie for going over the script with me and my sister, Mari, who gave me feedback while having six bug bites on her—

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(8 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Made withClip Studio Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Ren'Py
TagsFemale Protagonist, Narrative, Short


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sanctuary-1.0-mac.zip 42 MB
sanctuary-1.0-pc.zip 47 MB


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An interesting story with beautiful visuals ^_^ I'm curious to know more about Daphne and Lysaine <3

Thank you so much! \o/


I... got bored and annoyed by both characters so quickly...

Can you explain what’s your problem with them?

(1 edit) (-5)

The way this question was asked is... odd ("your problem"), but I shall indulge.

1. We are thrown into the game without context, in the middle of a dialogue (it seems) and I had to rewatch my recording to understand that the game started with Lysaine appearing at Daphne's door.
2. We are not given enough time to care for the characters.
3. They both rumble but little is done to help the player understand what's happening.
4. The names of Lysaine's other friends are thrown in the middle of a sentence but they are never mentioned again. Once again, it feels like being in the middle of a conversation where no care was given to the player to soothe the transition into their lore.
5. The character that we play has to be Daphne and has to be female, according to the game's description. It's quite exclusive. Players might not want to play as a female characters.
6. Lysaine goes on and on about victimization and toxic emotional manipulation about letting themselves die in front of their friend, being a bother to them, but also wanting to live life to the fullest. It irked me the wrong way.
7. Daphne is blasée and feels flat and underdeveloped.

In conclusion, little was done to make the player feel included in the conversation, there was not enough exposition to understand what is even happening, the game is not inclusive and forces us to be a female main character, and their friendship is highly toxic and manipulative. So, boring and annoying to me.


I phrased it as 'your problem' because I want to know how you specifically perceived the game and found faults in it. I can't say that you speak for everyone who played the game with your opinion because you don't, that's the objective truth. Each player has their own way of seeing the same piece of media. 

The most glaring issue is what I agree with: it's a snippet into a larger story, not a contained story on its own, so it's understandable that you don't know the characters and struggle to connect with them. I've had friends who pointed out the same problem to me but ultimately, it's the fault of my inexperience with the media.

As for the player can only be a female character, that's always my intention, I don't write for anything except from the point of view of a female character. The rest of your explanation is deferential to preference, I respect that. 


Thank you, saint, for taking the time to respond to my feedback. I appreciate your openness to hearing different perspectives on your work.

I want to clarify that my intention was to provide detailed feedback that might be useful, not to discourage your efforts. You're right that this is my personal experience and doesn't speak for all players.

I understand now that this is a snippet of a larger story, which explains some of the context issues I experienced. Perhaps this could be made clearer in the game's description to set appropriate expectations for players.

Regarding the artwork, I should have mentioned in my initial review that it was what drew me to your game in the first place. It's truly beautiful and demonstrates considerable talent.

While some aspects of the narrative didn't resonate with me, I recognize the effort and creativity that went into crafting this experience. I'll strive to balance my critiques better in the future, highlighting both strengths and areas for potential improvement.

Thank you for creating and sharing your work. It's through these dialogues that we can all grow and improve.

Of course, thank you for the answer, I only wanted to know what I can learn from this experience to improve my future work :)


This is is one of the most toxic and bad faith reviews I have ever seen for a game on itch to date. Ten times worse on a game that is all of 1000 words long. 

That you didn't find god or clear skin or solve the mysteries of the universe in a single sitting of a game that literally claims itself to be a Conversation between two people is most definitely a "you problem."

The game was simple and enjoyable and I was pulled into the rawness of the conversation - a very real one that people could have if only they existed outside of a vapid bubble. 

The audacity of running someone's work down while trying to gain attention by shilling their work as your content. Shameless and basic. 

I am reminded of this recent post:



I am sorry that my words created such anger in you. The main character Lysaine reminded me of a friend who broke my heart and my trust many times over, and something in the dialogue triggered me. I think my review what more of a reaction from my past trauma than an objective and nuanced review about the game itself. It doesn't excuse my words. I hope you can understand. I wish you both the best.

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I tried to play the game but, for some reason, when I launch it, the (gorgeous) music track plays, but nothing else appears (no main menu, no interface, no picture, nothing...). I did try to take a look at the rpy files with an rpa extractor, and I think that might be because of the screens.rpy file which is surprisingly empty (but perhaps the extractor just failed to extract it well), if maybe it can help the investigation of the bug?

Is this the Mac version? Because I tested the PC version again and it works fine on my end.